Surgical Artistry was formed in 2006 in Modesto by husband and wife team Dr. Tammy Wu and Dr. Calvin Lee to promote wellness and beauty through Acupuncture, Botox, and Plastic Surgical procedures. Dr. Wu and Dr. Lee had educational opportunities at Brown University, Harvard, Stanford, Case Western Reserve, and Southern Illinois University. Dr. Wu graduated top of her medical school class at Brown University. Dr. Lee on the violin was concertmaster of orchestras at Brown University, Harvard University and in New York where he grew up. He believes that playing musical instruments improves the dexterity required to be a good surgeon. Dr. Wu and Dr. Lee came to Modesto in 2003. Dr. Tammy Wu is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Calvin Lee is a Board Certified General Surgeon with specialized experience in Trauma. He became an Acupuncturist in 2006. Surgical Artistry has evolved since 2010 to become independent of medical insurances. Thus the procedures we do today are those that are usually not covered by insurance, or poorly covered by insurance. Tummy Tucks, Breast Augmentation, Cosmetic Botox for wrinkles on the face, Kybella injection for Double Chin, and Acupuncture are the majority of our procedures at Surgical Artistry.
We are proud supporters of the arts and healthy living in Central Valley and Sacramento. We are founders of the Gallo Center for the Arts, founding title sponsors for the Surgical Artistry Modesto Symphony Pops Series / Surgical Artistry Modesto Symphony Fat Cat Classics 2006-2009, and founding title sponsors for the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon
Please feel free to call us for more information (209) 551-1888. And visit one of our self-made 100+ websites: www.SurgeryToday.com, www.ModestoKybella.com, www.ModestoBreastSurgery.com, www.ModestoTummyTuck.com, www.InjectionArtistry.com, www.ModestoAcupuncture.com, www.ajabwelldone.com
We moved on March 22, 2019 to Dale Road. Our new address is:
Surgical Artistry
4754 Dale Road
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 551-1888
Dr. Lee self-proclaims that he made the first plastic surgery webpage in the world back in 1995 and it was for the Brown University department of Plastic Surgery.