Kybella after 3rd session for double chin and stronger jawline. Picture sent in from my patient to post on Social Media. I received the picture on Instagram. I appreciate the help in making before and after pictures! The results and pic to res look amazing!! Kybella is a procedure in my office done with a tiny needle or cannula. The procedure is relatively quick. It is for double chin / neck fat. Kybella is made by the Allergan/Botox company. Kybella results are considered permanent.
Thank you so much for sending me this picture update! Our patient tells us that she is looking forward to a 4th session.
The previous post had the first three days, and this is the complete version of this excellent description of Heather’s Kybella experience of getting Kybella injections with me in Modesto, California.
During the injections of Kybella, the pain is quite minimal as far as the actual needle pokes go. About midway through the procedure a “burning” sensation begins. This intensifies as the injections go on and reaches a peak shortly after. This heightened burning lasts for about 30 minutes after the procedure. After this, it gradually begins to decrease while never completely going away. The ice pack really helps to minimize this sensation, I liked using it in smaller increments just to take the edge off of the burning. There are portions of my chin that feel numb and hot to the touch as well.
This morning when I woke up, I noticed some soreness but the burning sensation had subsided. The area is quite a bit bigger than yesterday, but I found that wearing a very large scarf helps to hide the swelling. I can feel the area moving when I walk, which it didn’t do before the injections. It is sore to the touch and still feels quite warm. There are certain areas of the chin that feel numb as well. It almost feels as though I did an intense chin or neck workout. When I move certain ways, it feels very tight and slightly painful. There is a bruise and a bit of redness, which again, the scarf definitely helps to hide.
This morning I noticed that some of the swelling had gone down, but not that much. I actually noticed last night before going to bed that the area felt harder. It still feels gummy, but just a little bit more firm, like a wide, flattened out gummy bear. There is a strip along the underneath of my chin that is still numb and very warm to the touch. I do have a couple of pencil-eraser-sized bruises where the needle was inserted, but these aren’t very major. When looking directly up, I feel a pulling and tight sensation along the upper neck and chin.
Last night I noticed less of the “pulling” sensation that I described feeling when looking up. I am very slightly less swollen, but not much, and the bruises are getting smaller. The area is even harder, while still being gummy; it’s just slightly more firm and almost tight feeling. It’s still numb in the center of the chin and very warm to the touch. It’s still sore, but not as much as the second day.
The swelling went down slightly over the weekend, although it is still present. I don’t feel that the swelling is as bad as it was in the beginning, and I no longer feel the need to wear a scarf. I’ve noticed a slight tingling sensation in the area, like possibly the areas that are numb are getting their feeling back. It is still sore and it still has the firm gummy texture as well.
I have slightly more feeling in the area, and since the feeling is returning, I’ve noticed a little more soreness as well. Swelling is the same, still evident but not that noticeable.
The “gummy” texture I was feeling in some areas has now become more firm. It feels that this area has also expanded in size. The swelling is still evident but very minimal. Upon touching the area, this hardness and almost bumpiness can be felt, but not seen under normal circumstances. This hardness has evolved over the last couple of days and started rather small, it has since grown and become more firm as mentioned above.
The hardness described yesterday has shifted to the left side slightly and it feels smaller than it did even yesterday. Some of the areas are bumpy to the touch and I also noticed some dimpling with certain movements, but this isn’t noticeable with normal movement and activity. There is still a small patch of numbness and slight soreness upon pressing certain areas, but this is very minimal.
The nodules described previously are still present although they’ve decreased in size significantly. Most of the feeling has returned to my chin but there’s still one small area that has an almost burning sensation when it’s touched. I can tell that once the small nodule goes away completely, my chin will have decreased in size noticeably, to me at least. I do think I will still need 1-2 more sessions, but I can see and feel slight improvement in my chin already after only the first session.
We had a day where three of our Modesto Team at Surgical Artistry received Kybella!
Holding ice packs after their Kybella injections at Surgical Artistry in Modesto, California
Heather’s recap of her Kybella Experience
Kybella Day of Procedure: 1/09/18
“During the injections of Kybella, the pain is quite minimal as far as the actual needle pokes go. About midway through the Kybella procedure a “burning” sensation begins. This intensifies as the injections go on and reaches a peak shortly after. This heightened burning lasts for about 30 minutes after the procedure. After this, it gradually begins to decrease while never completely going away. The ice pack really helps to minimize this sensation, I liked using it in smaller increments just to take the edge off of the burning. There are portions of my chin that feel numb and hot to the touch as well.
Kybella DAY AFTER: 1/10/18
This morning when I woke up, I noticed some soreness but the burning sensation had subsided. The area is quite a bit bigger than yesterday, but I found that wearing a very large scarf helps to hide the swelling. I can feel the Kybella injected area moving when I walk, which it didn’t do before the injections. It is sore to the touch and still feels quite warm. There are certain areas of the chin that feel numb as well. It almost feels as though I did an intense chin or neck workout. When I move certain ways, it feels very tight and slightly painful. There is a bruise and a bit of redness, which again, the scarf definitely helps to hide.
Kybella second day after: 1/11/18
This morning I noticed that some of the swelling had gone down, but not that much. I actually noticed last night before going to bed that the area felt harder. It still feels gummy, but just a little bit more firm, like a wide, flattened out gummy bear. There is a strip along the underneath of my chin that is still numb and very warm to the touch. I do have a couple of pencil-eraser-sized bruises where the needle was inserted, but these aren’t very major. When looking directly up, I feel a pulling and tight sensation along the upper neck and chin.
Kybella third day after: 1/12/18
Last night I noticed less of the “pulling” sensation that I described feeling when looking up. I am very slightly less swollen, but not much, and the bruises are getting smaller. The area is even harder, while still being gummy; it’s just slightly more firm and almost tight feeling. It’s still numb in the center of the chin and very warm to the touch. It’s still sore, but not as much as the second day.
Kybella injections are procedures that take time to see results. Most of the time it takes about 4-8 weeks before seeing the final results of the fat dissolving by Kybella injections. I’m talking about my experience with Kybella done in the neck area – which is at this time the only FDA approved area for Kybella injections.
Having a set of pictures on your own smart phone device helps to build confidence that the Kybella procedure is working. In my experience at Surgical Artistry in Modesto, we probably see about a 20% improvement with the first Kybella injection. Then about 6 weeks later another Kybella injection is administered and then we see another 20% improvement of what’s remaining.
Having a set of pictures helps to decide if one want to do a third, forth or even 5th in the Kybella series of injection sessions.
How to do the Kybella Selfie
You want to pick a constant angle so one can compare. One suggestion is to wear a pair of glasses and have the side of the glasses become parallel to the floor while sitting in a chair. This could be a pair of sunglasses even. This standardization helps to keep consistency from photo to photo regarding the angle of the head. While staring forward, take a series of selfie pictures starting from one side of your face (starting with a side view) and then taking a few pictures till you end up on the other side. It might also be best if the lighting can be controlled from one series of Kybella Selfies to the next.
You might even want to take a straight on photo with a smile. Sometimes our necks are better or worse with the smile.
When to do the Kybella Selfe?
I think the best time to do this photo is right before the next injection. For example these pictures could be taken at your home before your Kybella appointment, or they can be taken in the doctors office. I think the home environment is good where the lighting could be controlled better if one chooses the same room and uses the same lighting and takes natural lighting into account.
Botox Selfie?
Best wishes on your Kybella adventures! The same could be said about Botox – there might even be more of an importance for Botox – Selfies!!
A Kybella testimonial – the day of the Kybella Injection
Did Kybella hurt? Was Kybella Worth it? Our staff member gets Kybella injections for the very first time! I asked her to write me a blurb about her experience the day of her Kybella injection. This is a great recounting of the Kybella experience.
Ok, Dr. Lee! I did it! It might be a tad long, but it is exactly as I remember the experience, loaded with 100% honesty! Better to be a bit longer and cover every detail so our patients are well prepared for their own experience I guess. Of course, I am happy to shorten it or make any changes you need me to make. 🙂 See below. Hope you enjoy it.
Also, you are welcome to use my real name. I give my express permission.
Day 0. Kybella Injection Day.
I knew I wanted Kybella the moment I heard about it. My family, especially the women, suffer from genetic submental fullness. Short, tall, skinny, full… we all have a double chin. To learn of a non-surgical permanent option to treat my double chin after a lifetime of thinking I’d have to tolerate it forever was very exciting . The problem was… injections… needles…aah! I am NOT a needle person.
Like so many, the thought of an injection makes me very uneasy. On top of that, I have what I believe to be a very low pain tolerance. But I could do this…maybe…someday.
I’ve had the great honor of watching Dr. Lee perform the procedure many times on various patients and finally, my day had come. We had a Kybella event in the office and he needed one more volunteer for a live demo. Reluctantly, I said I’d do it. Now or never! Seize the day!
I sat in the procedure chair with a smile on my face for the audience watching, secretly regretting my decision. My heart was thumping, my head was aching, and I was feeling light headed. I knew I was in very capable hands as I trust Dr. Lee whole heartedly, but those needles! Dr. Lee applied the temporary tattoo to my chin that helps to guide hisnjections. He counted the dots, 34. I’d have to endure 34 injections. My heart thumped even harder. I iced the area some more with a fresh ice pack, hoping to numb myself entirely. “Ok, here we go!” he said.
I pulled the ice pack off and held my breath. I felt nothing. I knew he had started injecting, but there was no pain. He asked me aloud for the audience to hear, “What is your pain level on a scale of 1 to 10?” I answered with, “0.” About half way through as the cold from the ice started to fade, I could barely feel the pinch of the needles. I could feel that he was injecting, but only very lightly.
The area that had already been injected started to burn a bit. The Kybella had started working, breaking open those fat cells right away. The pain isn’t intense at all. To me, it felt like a strained muscle after a hard workout. He asked me again for my pain level. “Maybe a 2” I replied. The pain builds for a short time and as he makes his way across the chin area, but for myself it never passed a 2.
When he was done with all 34 Kybella injections my pain remained at a 2 for about 10 more minutes until it started to fade. I was so proud of myself for having done it. The anticipation was by far the scariest part.
The area felt very tender to the touch and started to swell right away. A dull pain remained for the rest of the night and I didn’t want to touch it as it was extremely sensitive to pressure. Even gently applying an ice pack was too much. As long as I left it alone, I was OK. The pain was inside, on the outside the skin was entirely numb. It was an odd sensation. The swelling continued to worsen and by bed time, I was happy I had borrowed a scarf from a co-worker just in case I had to leave the house the next day.
Stay tuned for Day 1 – the day AFTER Kybella injections.
Survived! Our patient, is still smiling right after his 1st of 4 treatments of KYBELLA. He encouraged me to be brave and tag him in this photo. Side plug: I got some amazing window coverings for my house 5 years ago from him – He’s in the window treatment/covering business. If anyone needs window treatments in the Modesto area and beyond – I have his contact info.
Yes, proof that one can still smile after Kybella injections